Dear [firstname] Your Weakest Chakra Is… The Root Chakra
In Sanskrit, this Chakra is called Muladhara, comes from the words Mula, which means “root” and Dhara, which means “support”. It’s red in colour and is located at the very base of your spine, near your tailbone. It goes up to just below your belly button.
Therefore, this chakra’s role is to ground all of your energy with the Earth.
This means the Root Chakra focuses on the fundamentals, your day-to-day survival here on Earth. In ancient times, it meant having enough to eat to stave off starvation merely surviving the elements.
In modern times however, this means financial and emotional security. The basic questions transcending “What do I eat?” and “What do I wear?” to “Who do I love?” and “How do I make money?”
When this chakra starts getting energised, you’ll be more in touch with myself. The everyday will be touched with meaning and purpose. You’ll start vibrating at a near-heavenly level.