Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


Think about how you can make your dreams come true today. You give so much to others that it is time to do something nice for yourself. Also, don’t think about lost dreams too much. Keeping things in perspective is crucial today because you may be experiencing a deep sense of sadness. However, all is not lost. You can accomplish a lot if you’re in the right mood. So put all the things that don’t interest you to the side. You can then focus on what you want to do!

Even if you feel tired, don’t give up because something incredible is waiting for you. It is only you who can change your situation if you are stuck in limbo. Now more than ever you must stay true to yourself!

Personal Inquiry:

What can I do to stop wasting time? What can I do to make my dreams come true?

Imagine yourself doing what makes you happy in the future. Wouldn’t that be exciting? Focus on what’s ahead of you while seeing your goals achieved. You’re more than ready to start, even though you’re leaving a lot behind to achieve your goals. Maybe you actively need to leave certain things in the past.

Positive Affirmation:

It is my right to live my dreams. I won’t settle for anything less.