Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
You may be feeling that there’s a heavy and somewhat depressive type of energy that’s hanging in the air right now. Even normal run-of-the-mill tasks like phoning a friend or even just brushing your hair may be too overwhelming at the moment. However you’re feeling, it is important that you realise this is only temporary. Things will get far better soon but you need to believe this to make it happen.
If you do nothing then your life will never change. It’s crucial to bring new energy into your world now.
Personal Inquiry:
“Why is it that I feel immobilised? Am I able to move forward with confidence now?“
Imagine you are in a spacious room looking out a huge window at endless views of a beautiful landscape. Suddenly the wind carries you from here to a place of sadness. Consult with your guides about what route you should take. The answers will come to you quickly. Then, as you feel a calming energy come over you, oven your eyes. You don’t feel despondent anymore.
Positive Affirmation:
“I can do anything that I put my mind to. I’m in control as I take positive action to change my life!“