Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
Today, let your thoughts flow. Your creativity allows you to see the magic in so many things. On the flip side of this, you can also pinpoint what dreams shouldn’t become reality. Even though you need to nurture your creativity right now, there is also a vibration of some unneeded things fading into the distance.
Inaction, words, and dreams – do you want to become a slave to them? Do you always follow through on your promises?
Personal Inquiry:
“How well am I keeping my promises? I understand that bad luck is not caused by lack of planning.“
You can relax by focusing on your breathing. Think about what you’re most passionate about and what you’re constantly thinking of. Next, consider what you want to accomplish and how you feel about everything. Imagine yourself living out your dreams. Remember, if you can dream it then you can achieve it!
Positive Affirmation:
“It is important for me to waste less time and to take positive action when the time is right. I dare to take action!“