Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
We must address grief today, even though it is not the most uplifting of topics. Everybody grieves differently, so there are no rules. If you’re grieving, keep in mind that sadness is love that can’t go anywhere. Therefore, it is vital that you treat yourself with kindness.
Make sure you grieve for as long as you need to. Be careful not to put too much pressure on yourself to “get over” what you have been through. What works for someone you know might not be right for you. As cliché as it sounds, time is a great healer. In the future, you won’t always feel as sad as you do right now. It will be easier to get through this heartbreak if you honour it now and acknowledge all the feelings associated with it.
Personal Inquiry:
“Where does this constant sadness come from that stops me from moving forward? How am I feeling inside?“
Experience a beautiful flood of white light as you close your eyes. Invite someone you miss so much into the light. As you talk to them about how much you miss them, experience the joy of reconnecting with them. Make space for future connections with your loved ones if you wish after your conversation is over.
Positive Affirmation:
“Sadness no longer scares me. I allow myself to experience grief, healing, and love.“