Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
There are tiny little miracles happening every day. Right now the sky’s the limit as you radiate happiness and joy wherever you go. It’s crucial now for you to be honest and forthright no matter what happens. Your bright, bubbly and positive energy attracts everything that you need right now. You instinctively know what’s true and right for you. Trust in yourself!
Do you avoid others or do you let them into your life? It’s impossible to avoid upset without also shutting out potentially positive feelings. Have faith that there is magic ahead!
Personal Inquiry:
“Can people in my life rely on me? Does my integrity inspire the people in my life?“
Relax as you focus on a bright, beautiful and warm yellow light flowing through you from your insides right through to and extending out from your extremities. All your material concerns and worries are now melting away. Enjoy spending time in the moment right now. Then, when you feel ready, open your eyes. Immediately write down everything that has gone through your mind.
Positive Affirmation:
“I believe in miracles and goodness. I proudly light the way for others with my good deeds and self-belief.“