Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
The facts of a matter are less important today than the instincts you have. Be aware of your intuition and listen to what it’s telling you. A protective or protected role may be required of you today. This will give you a sense of trust in yourself.
Try not to overthink anything you feel right now. You have excellent instincts. Know that you have the support of your guides.
Personal Inquiry:
“Am I able to trust my instincts? Can I let go of trying to control the world around me?“
Visualise your guides with you. As you stand under a waterfall, you are bathed in pure white light. It is your guides who are communicating with you. Right now you need to embrace the images and feelings they show you. New revelations are just around the corner.
Positive Affirmation:
“Though I’m traveling alone, I’m accompanied by my guides. As well as myself, I believe in them.“