Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


Whenever you feel low, it’s so important to focus on why you’re feeling this way so you can begin to change things for the better. Other people aren’t to blame for this. The way you react to other people’s actions is entirely up to you. So, it’s time to regain control of your life. Be careful not to let anyone force you into feeling anything you don’t want to. Stay in the moment. It’s okay to be selfish and don’t feel guilty because you need to do what’s right for you now.

You cannot move forward if you cannot or you refuse to see the truth. In order to move forward, you must assess your situation honestly.

Personal Inquiry:

In what ways can I change my decisions to further myself?  What actions prevent me from creating opportunities for myself? What actions can I take to be happier?

Imagine yourself in a movie dream scene that would never happen in real life, even though it’s something you are passionate about. In reality, you’ve been longing for something that’s never come true. Rewrite this movie scene accordingly. Tell the story of the happy future you hope for and know that it is possible for you.

Positive Affirmation:

My present and future are completely in my hands. I’m not vulnerable.