From a very young age certain ways of being are conditioned through what others deem acceptable. Everyone has an intrinsic need to be loved, valued, and appreciated. In order to meet one’s own needs, parts of themselves may be ignored or shunned that do not fit with other’s expectations. Today’s energy encourages you to release other’s perceptions of you and rediscover the hidden parts of who you are. When you can embrace all aspects of yourself, your energy system is liberated and moves to a higher vibration frequency.
Embrace your uniqueness through the soul star chakra. When this chakra is strengthened, you become at peace with your true nature. Harmony is present in your life because you are aligned with your highest values. The more you are open to this energy, the more authentic happiness you will generate in your life.
Find a seated position and close your eyes. You will be envisioning your own soul star chakra. While this chakra connects all of humanity, it will appear different for each person. Feel the energy of your crown chakra opening up. Move this energy upward until you begin to sense into the presence of your soul star chakra. Feel the edges of it. Notice its energy. See what color it is appearing for you. Once you have a visual for this chakra, open up to receive its energy. Spend time breathing as your soul star chakra showers you with brilliant radiance. Call out the parts of you that have been hidden and embrace them with tender love. Stay in this frequency as long as you’d like. When you feel fulfilled, shift your consciousness back to the present moment and open your eyes.
“I embrace what makes me unique and connect with my soul star chakra to reach my peak.”