Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
There is an acceptance today of a discovery you have made. Although you may not have been entirely prepared for this in the past, you’re more than ready now. There is such an air of excitement in your life because you’re about to embark on a new journey into the unknown. The outcome is currently not known at all which just adds to the fun. Enjoy your new voyage of discovery!
Try not focus on reclaiming a past that you’ve outgrown. There are certain situations and/or people that no longer align with your highest good. With this in mind, it’s time to release something that’s not good for you.
Personal Inquiry:
“Am I completely satisfied with my current situation? Does it detract from my happiness or is it good for me? To heal, I have to put myself first.“
Think deeply about a passion of yours. As you consider this, actively connect with all the positive feelings that this interest gives you. Allow these amazing emotions to take over from any worries or upsets in your life. Doesn’t that feel better?
Positive Affirmation:
“By taking action to release what no longer serves me, I discover so much about myself.“