Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
Today is highlighted as the perfect time to step back from your facade. You can be sure of who you really are now. Don’t worry about what other people think because it is very important for you to be who you really are. You have spent a long time being something you are not and on doing what others expect of you. Now is the time to rebuild your life for yourself!
It is now possible that you’re relating to others through a false sense of duty. Maybe that’s why you are unhappy in some of your relationships. Perhaps, it’s time to be yourself.
Personal Inquiry:
“Am I ready to get my life back? How can I heal the pain from my past and formative years?“
Imagine that you are a child once more. You are running and playing with the other kids when suddenly you are flying in the clouds where you discover a fabulous playground in the sky! Enjoy the swings, have fun with the other little ones and do whatever else you want to. This is your time to focus on you. Expect a message to come through from the angels. They’re guiding you to connect with your inner child so you can heal past pain. Trust that everything will be fine for you.
Positive Affirmation:
“I embrace who I genuinely am. I am working to heal the pain I endured and still carry from the past.“