Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
An internal conflict is currently affecting you. Your compassion for others and perfectionist tendencies are in conflict. It is a good idea not to be attached to any specific outcome at this time, according to your guides. No matter how right you think you are, keep it to yourself because others won’t appreciate being told. Just be patient. The right path will emerge.
An internal conflict is currently affecting you. Your compassion for others and perfectionist tendencies are in conflict. It is a good idea not to be attached to any specific outcome at this time, according to your guides. No matter how right you think you are, keep it to yourself because others won’t appreciate being told. Just be patient. The right path will emerge.
Personal Inquiry:
“Currently, what should I be focusing on? Until I know for sure that something is true, I should avoid telling others what I “know.“
Imagine five or ten people you know (whether you appreciate them or not doesn’t matter) then try to think of something good about them. When you are finished, release positive thoughts to thank your angels for bringing these people into your life.
Positive Affirmation:
“I accept myself and others for who we are. I spread love and healing to everyone I encounter.“