Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...
Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
Original thoughts and inquiry are inspired by the angels today. You are connecting with your truth as you surrender to a higher calling. By letting go of control, you will enjoy being part of a collaboration that will change your mind about something. You are on the road to absolute fulfillment.
Embrace the fact that there is a bigger plan ahead. If you have felt yourself wavering from your path, have faith that you’re being guided back to it. Your angels are always there to support you in every way possible.
Personal Inquiry:
“How can I live in active prayer? Are my thoughts a type of prayer that will bring incredible happiness into my life?”
What makes you truly happy? Is this a difficult question to answer? If so, spend a little quiet time just figuring it out. Bear in mind that every thought you have creates your reality. So, you need to choose these carefully. Think of everything you need to happen in your life. See yourself being thankful for what you have and for what is to come. Have faith that you will be given only the very best in the future.
Positive Affirmation:
“I have complete faith that my prayers will always be answered. I am in tune with my higher self.”