Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


The angels inspire you to think original and introspective thoughts today. You are surrendering to a higher calling as you connect with your truth. By giving up control over something, you will have your mind changed by someone about something. Your guides wish you to know that your path leads towards complete fulfillment.

You are part of a bigger plan. You are incredibly important to this. So, have faith that if you waver from your path, you will find a way back because your angels are with you for support.

Personal Inquiry:

How do I live in active prayer? Do my thoughts create a state of prayer that will bring greater happiness into my life?

Ask yourself what honestly makes you happy? Is this a hard question to answer? If your answer is yes then take some time to yourself to figure things out. Remembering that you are what you think, so,  it’s crucial to choose your thoughts carefully because these create your intentions. Your guides ask that you give thanks for what you have now as well as for what is to come!

Positive Affirmation:

I am in tune with my higher self. I have unwavering confidence that my prayers will be answered.