Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


There is a real energy of recovery that can be seen today. You have been doing a lot recently so it is no wonder you feel a little tired! Fortunately, today is the start of a whole new flow of life energy that will allow you to face your fears and at the same time find the courage within yourself to move forward.

You have made the decision to begin your journey to recovery. You are taking your initial step towards emotional happiness.

Personal Inquiry:

Am I ready to begin living for myself on my own terms? It’s time to reclaim my happiness.

You’re at a door with a bunch or keys of different chakra colours. One, in particular, really stands out to you. You then begin to imagine opening the door with this key. Allow the beautiful light from the other side of the door to envelope you, helping you to recover from past pain.

Positive Affirmation:

I am fully focused on my recovery. My future is set to be amazing!