Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Mindfulnessvalley Renewal

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


You are being offered a chance to experience a new life path. If you choose to make radical changes, you will need to anchor yourself by taking stock of where you currently are in relation to where you wish to be. New beginnings are seen all around you now which will suit you down to the ground.

From all endings, new beginnings are created. There is a wealth of opportunity coming your way. Have faith that the future is to be better than the past.

Personal Inquiry:

“Am I able to accept change? Am I excited and ready to become the new me? “

It may not be a pleasant thought initially but imagine being discarded. It’s natural to be fearful and sad under those circumstances. However, this situation will enable you to go on a brand new journey – one that suits you entirely. You will be enjoying what is meant for you rather than simply putting up with things being the way they are.

Positive Affirmation:

“I am ready to step into my new life. I am positive that the changes around me now are for my highest good.”