Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman
Today’s energy may be dragging you down a little. So, it’s crucial for you to focus on why you feel how you do in order to change things for the better. If you’re feeling blocked, look deep within yourself to find answers. Try not to blame others for the way you’re feeling because it is you who controls your own thoughts and feelings. If someone has betrayed or hurt you, take the time to grieve and to be kind to yourself then release any negative feelings if you can. If you struggle with this, seek out the advice of a professional who can help. You can get through this!
Being in denial about something could well be holding you back at the moment. It’s crucial for you to make an honest assessment of your situation in order to move forward.
Personal Inquiry:
“Am I able and willing to make brand new choices to enable me to grow? How do my actions relate to my inability to create breakthroughs? What can I do differently to achieve happiness?”
Imagine that you are in a cinema. You’re watching a scene about a dream that never came true in your life. Perhaps you hoped for a relationship, home, promotion or something else. You were promised something that never happened. Allow yourself to feel that sense of disappointment again. Then, rewrite that scene. How does that part of your story now end?
Positive Affirmation:
“I chose to do what I am doing. I am not a victim. I am in control.”