Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


Today is all about taking a stand. You are at the point in your life that you need to focus on your ability to change your present and future. You are destined for wonderful things if you can just step out of your comfort zone now. Have faith that you can trust others in your life to help you in so many positive ways.

Now is the time to take calculated risks. It’s possible to live the life you dream of so long as you are ready to make certain sacrifices.

Personal Inquiry:

Am I ready to take steps towards achieving my destiny? What will help me to get there?

Consider a period in your life when you fought hard for something you had faith in and won. Reconnect with that overwhelming feeling of victory again. Ask your guides to help you to achieve that success again by aiding you to realise your destiny. Be thankful for everything you have in your life.

Positive Affirmation:

I can find the perfect way for myself to live the life I deserve.