Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


Today, you begin a new journey towards expanding your life and experiences. Right now there is a positive flow of spiritual support that will help you to achieve everything that you wish to. New territory lies before you with so many new ideas for you to explore! Believe that you will now achieve everything you have envisioned for so long!

Don’t waste your precious time on people who criticise your hopes and dreams. If your “friends” are the ones who are running you down, you may want to consider changing them. Look out for and surround yourself with people who provide you with good advice and who support your dreams.

Personal Inquiry:

How do I create good, reliable and lasting connections? Are good new friends coming into my world?

Think about something you always thought was impossible. Say “I know it is possible” out loud as you focus on your dream. Keep repeating that sentence until you really believe it, then let the thought go free in the knowledge that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Positive Affirmation:

I am empowered. I will achieve my goals in life.