Today's Energy Oracle Card Is...

Credits: “Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards” by Tori Hartman


Real freedom is ahead as you connect with your shadow self. You have a strong sense of inner power that you may not yet understand. Today everything will be revealed to you. Great inner wisdom is coming your way. You are much more than you realise right now, so stand firm in your strength.

Today it is crucial to take responsibility and let go of feelings of guilt. You need to clear out old debris so you can move on with your life.

Personal Inquiry:

Am I ready to face and to release the past?

Spend time in a very quiet place, without distractions or noise. In the silence and solitude you will hear your truth. This will inspire you to let go of anything that associates you with negativity. It’s time to open your heart and to look forward!

Positive Affirmation:

I let go of what is no longer useful to me while I face my past so I can release everything that no longer serves me!